Reflexology involves applying different amounts of pressure to the zones of the feet and hands which link corresponding body parts, organs and systems. It is a relaxing treatment which may help alleviate symptoms of stress and other conditions. Amazonian Wellbeing offers this as a 60 minute treatment.
More Information
Reflexology is a type of massage In which pressure is applied to specific points of the hands, feet and ears using thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. The theory behind reflexology Is that areas of the foot correspond to the organs and systems of the body and when pressure is applied to them, it is believed to bring relaxation and healing.
Benefits of reflexology include:
- Relaxation
- Improvement of nerve functions
- Improvement in neuro function
- Increased blood circulation within the body
- Eliminate toxins
- Boosts metabolism and energy
- Reduces headaches
- Relives menstrual discomfort
- Relieves pregnancy symptoms
During a reflexology treatment you will be made comfortable on the massage couch with added blankets and pillows for comfort whilst the therapist discusses any concerns you may have and help build up a report with you about the best course of action to help. It is the perfect opportunity to relax and switch off to the world. The therapist will use a range of techniques applying pressure through the points to locate any areas of tension called crystals which may indicate an imbalance within the system associated with that point.
At AmazonianWellbeing I use a range of products on my clients however my favourite is the NoBo CBD Phyto muscle rub. Containing 1500mg of CBD per 45g it is a proprietary joint and muscle balm which blends various extracts and phyto-nutrients to promote optimal recovery. It is used worldwide by pro strongmen to those suffering with specific chronic conditions. This product can be used within any treatment for an extra charge of £5.
Other creams and essential oils are used for those who don’t wish to use the above.